位于Phoenix Arizona的美国自来水公司在1000 马力立式涡轮机电机轴承和齿轮箱中使用Bio-Food Grade食品级齿轮润滑油。
• 没有检测到金属磨损
• 粘度和酸值合格
• 粘度仍然保持ISO150
• 换油间隔由6个月增加到12个月(节约成本及人工每年约USD18000)
• Bio-Food Grade齿轮润滑油也有同样的测试结果
• 换油成本(成本和人工)降低一半
• 润滑油花费减少USD40000/年
瑞安勃的食品级润滑油大大延长了使用周期和设备寿命,同时SKU由19大幅度下降到8,因此自来水公司也实施了Bio-Food Grade食品级液压油的部署。
•Unit Service 7000 hours.
•Viscosities and Acid Numbers are still within required specifications.
•Bio Food Grade Gear Oil ISO 150 is still within the ISO specifications.
•No wear in the system
•Additive ppmshows good
•Oil changes extended from 6 months to 12 months. (cost savings+ labor hours)$ by 50% or $18,000 /year
•Analysis on ISO 220 also shows improved results (no wear)
•Frequency of oil changes cut in half (cost savings+ labor hours)$$$
•Reduced Petroleum spend $40,000/ per year